Monday, July 21, 2014

Saturday Transcription

A transcription of Miles' solo on Victor Feldman's Joshua from the record Seven Steps to Heaven with George Coleman, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter and Tony Williams.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Living Room Recording Comparisons

Here's a snippet of a trio recording I did in my living in a really low tech way: one mic on me, one on the tenor (Ben) and two mics on the drums (Dylan).  No isolation, no baffles, no overdubs, no ulterior motives.  What?  You can record that way?

Anyhoo, I made 2 clips, each one comparing what I did to several tenor/bass/drums trio recordings that I like.  Bonus points if you can guess the other recordings.

Here's the first one:

And here's the second:

Did I mention that all of the mics were either modded or built by me?

Thursday, July 10, 2014